Al Ayoub Sisters; Basalam & Lulwa Al-Ayoub
Posted by admin on Oct 19, 2011 in Celebrating Women, Kuwait | 1 comment

Lulwa and Balsam are “using sport to change the lives of Arab women. Through the sport of fencing, Al-Ayoub sisters are literally “cutting through” society’s constraints. By becoming active in sports, they believe girls will grow proud, strong, fearless and expressive no matter what their ultimate life’s goal.Balsam & Lulwa are empowering women in the Gulf through a strategy based on three components. First, through their success in their field, they are setting an example as role models for many girls in Kuwait. They use their status for good by serving as mentors to aspiring fencers, whom they work to empower to compete in the same arenas as men. Second, they are creating a new perception of women as leaders and trainers, as they train young boys and girls on fencing. Third, they are promoting sports among young girls in schools, in order to break the walls of women’s social exclusion. The Al-Ayoub sisters’ efforts motivate and inspire girls to demand more involvement in all walks of life.”
When the sword is mightier than the pen
Inspiration carries a sword: Kuwait’s fencing champions
These guys are really cool.